By selecting this option, the customer indicates to RPL that they would prefer GAMING QUALITY castings if there is a need for such a determination to be made.
This option is intended as a service to our customers.
Generally we can find the middle ground between castings that have too much flashing, or parts that are a bit too thin. However, in some circumstances we find that a miniature has thin parts extending off of it, which may be extra delicate. This option is intended to allow us to more easily interpret which you would prefer, if we are on the fence about which to provide.
The options are:
Gaming Quality) As a fractionaly thicker piece, which is is sturdier, and less likely to suffer damage when used in gaming. These pieces tend to have some "flashing" around the seam where the mold halves meet. This is usually easily removed with a knife or file.
Display Quality) As a fractionally thinner piece, which is technically a more "prefect" casting, but is delicate, and therefore may bend or break when handled extensively. These usually have little to no flashing, and require less knife and file work.
Please note: We will always provide our customers with the best quality castings we can provide. This option is not intended to allow for lower-quality product to be shipped. It also can not guarantee that a miniature would be free of delicate parts. It does mean that when selecting castings for you, we try to choose the best piece that meets your individual needs.